Posts Tagged ‘how to grow long hair’

One of my hair inspiration divas’ -» Chicoro

Hello beautiful world
I just got a message from one of my healthy haircare mentors and inspirations website I subscribed to( The message/post is titled ” When the Magic Dies, Your Hair Will Thrive and Something MagicalHappens” . It’s quite obvious from the wisdom, writing style and genuine L♥√ع and respect for the crown and glory(hair) God has given us to see why she is one of my *Hairspirations*.
I’ll post a portion of the message below, you can find the full story on her website. For copyright reasons, I am stating that these are the words of Chicoro, enjoy. :*
The website of Chicoro- An amazing woman with amazing hair.

When The Magic Dies, Your Hair Will Thrive and Something Magical Happens
Magic is when you blink your eyes and something goes away or appears. Magic is wishing you had hair like somebody else’s hair. Magic is stuffing your hair under a weave or wig, not for a protective style, but for the purpose of pretending what you bought is really what you got.   A head of hair is like a set of teeth. If you ignore either one, each will eventually go away.
Your hair will thrive once you leave the magic behind you. Any type of hair can look good or bad. It’s how you treat it and feed it that makes the difference. The funny thing is when the magic dies, your hair will thrive and then something magical begins. Your hair will transform before your eyes.
Are you are at the magic stage?
1. If you hope your hair will look like someone else’s hair, you are at the magic stage. “Her hair is so pretty. Mine doesn’t look like that”.
2. If you think your natural color and/or hair texture is ugly, you are at the magic stage. “My hair is too fine. I can’t get a full puff”.
3. If you could get your hands on her product list so your hair can grow like hers, you are in the magic stage. “It’s disappointing that she won’t tell me which products she uses.”
4. If you think that because your hair has never been longer than it is today that it will never gain more length, you are at the magic stage. “My hair has been short all my life and it will never grow past my ears.”  
5. If you apply healthy hair care tips to damaged- beyond repair hair and expect that damaged hair to turn-around, you are at the magic stage. “I have been doing protective styling on my over processed broken hair. No healthy hair tip has worked for my hair.”

You are at the magical stage
1. If you accept your hair for what it is today, without blame or pain.
2. If you know process and products work in conjunction to create beautiful hair.
3. If you know the difference between admiring someone else’s hair as opposed to coveting or being envious or jealous of it.
4. If you know that if you care for your hair today, your future tomorrows will bring healthier hair, no matter how it always looked in the past.
5. If you apply healthy hair practices to healthy hair, your hair will respond positively.       

Take Some Action: Educate yourself about your hair and leave the magic behind.  

Love hair = Healthy-Long hair